Trusted commercial locksmiths in the North East
0800 112 3560 | 07846 280123
Locked out?
Got a problem with your locks?
If you find yourself in such a situation, North East Locksmiths based in Chester-le-Street is the go-to company for your needs. Our exceptional team of commercial locksmiths operates throughout the North East, ready to address a variety of issues. Whether your office locks pose a problem, your shop door requires repairs, or there’s an issue with your factory door, we have the expertise to assist.
Our emergency call-out service ensures that your company’s concerns are promptly addressed without prolonged waiting times. Catering to businesses of all sizes, we can adeptly handle any issues related to standard British locks.
You can rely on us
With a wealth of experience and a stellar reputation, North East Locksmiths is your reliable partner. Rest assured, we prioritize swift responses to any call-outs, resolving issues to your complete satisfaction, and always at a competitive price.
Additionally, our expertise extends to access control solutions. Feel free to reach out to our team for assistance in this regard. Your security and satisfaction are our top priorities.
Contact our commercial locksmiths for help with:
- Changing commercial locks
- Defective lock repairs
- Anti-snap lock fittings
- Help with uPVC window and door locks
- Extracting snapped keys
- We can work on all standard British lock fittings